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The Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, “Let the God of peace fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost.” (Romans 15:13 )To the Colossians,Paul wrote “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts.” (Col 3:15)  Yet there is such a thing as a false peace. I just watched Oprah’s interview of Joel Osteen, and what manifested clearly is a false peace  by a self-proclaimed blessing. Although he took a stronger stand on the Lord as the only way to the Father than he has in the past,  Osteen hesitated with tongue in cheek as he made it clear that homosexuality is a sin.Yet he equated sodomy on a  with “telling a lie or being proud.”

  When a Osteen struggles to not offend anyone and   he tells a tv audience that homosexuals shall go to heaven,  he detracted from the word of God.  Paul wrote and warned the Corinthian believers that effeminates shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Does inheriting  the kingdom equate to “going to heaven?” Not completely, but it certainly is a part of the overall package. To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD “IN HEAVEN” while He remains there. Consequently, Osteen has sent out a platitude  of a” false peace.”Commonsense ought to tell Osteen that  since  God destroyed Sodom primarily because of homosexual activity, it’s a sin far more damning than a lie or pride.. To not be truthful with the gay community is in itself, a lie. Along these same lines, when preachers expound on the escape of a lukewarm, deluded Laodicean age through a pre-tribulation rapture or messages that uphold financial prosperity for all, a  false peace prevails.

Yet when the evil day comes, we will need the peace of God to rule. In this country, we have the expectation that happiness is ours by our American birthright, so we are in constant pursuit of it, particularly on the weekend.  I should spell it “weak end.” Many are speeding in are cars, fighting  in parking lots and pushing forward in various malls and supermarkets, with dentist appointments, diets,  vacations, manicures, gyms, and restaurants on our minds.  The irony is that as a nation in pursuit of happiness, “our weak end” is that we find no peace.

Moreover,  there is coming a day when all of our material comforts shall fail us and the fundamentals of food, water and shelter shall ascend in priority.  I know because I have seen it in the spirit.What usually causes us to lose peace is a lack of understanding that leads to confusion. In other words, what we don’t know brings stress. Therefore, in 2012, I offer a few points that will help you to let the peace of God reign.

  1. Learn how to thank God for “the answer.” The answer might be that “you will not get an answer in the way that you expected.”We must wait for the Lord’s answer in peace. Very often, the Lord has already given us the answer but we did not hear Him because we were too preoccupied and consequently, too stressed. We cry “speak to m,e, Lord and He has already spoken.”
  2. Learn how to stop trying to figure Him out. Most believers have a misunderstanding of prayer because they have been led by false doctrine and habitual expressions like “prayer changes things.” God does not need our prayers for Him to act.  We do not control God with our prayers.  Prayer changes us, not things.  Prayer is what brings the peace of God that confounds human understanding.  Prayer does not change God.  Most of the time, we do not know God’s will.  When we don’t, then we need to pray and ask Him to reveal His will.  Once His will is revealed in a particular situation, then peace will automatically rule in our spirits.
  3. Learn how to walk in the light as He is in the light.  I have an expression that brings me peace.  It goes “TO KNOW, BOW LOW.” When the brightness of the gospel falls upon us, we should immediately prostrate ourselves under His light and declare “Lord, I accept your sentence. I agree with your judgment. I seek mercy in this matter.” Meekness before God will prepare you to receive light, revelation or in other word, “enlightenment.” Enlightenment leads to deliverance and deliverance brings forth discernment, wisdom and freedom.

In the New Year, many google for prophecies because they have no peace in uneasy times. A wet blanket of worry, fear and stress has fallen on multitudes of professing Christians who search the web for a prophetic messages. Since they are reading the signs of the times, believers are looking for confirmation and assurances that we will make it beyond December 21, 2012. In the New Idolatry you will find these words:”Doubt can be a good thing, particularly when those fictitious, religious foundations upon which a captive has built his pride system become shaky.”

Yet in the final analysis, the message that should give you peace is both spiritually historic, prophetic and biblical. Simply put, if you be in Christ, He has already spoken peace to your troubled spirit t when He he prophesied that “if you endure to the end, you shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:13)

This ministry is about preparing the elect of God to “endure to the end,” through publications, deliverance counseling, deliverance mentoring, and deliverance training. Ours is a Christ centered, a spiritual warfare and a spiritual empowerment strategy.  So our help is available to you. Send an email to pamsheppard911@yahoo.com or call 518-477-5759.

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