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By Pamela Sheppard

Those whom the Lord saves who were accustomed to supernatural experiences like telekinesis, poltergeist and other magical types of manifestations will try to explain such phenomena with scriptures. They rationalize and continue to believe that psychic phenomena are the gift of miracles.

For example, I was just born again a year or so when I spoke to a storm and it seemed that I stopped it. It was one of those summer storms. My clothes were drying on an outside line and I had just settled down in my backyard in a lawn chair with a cool drink when the sky got dark and the winds kicked up. I stood up, spoke directly to the storm and commanded it to leave. I kid you not, it rained all around my backyard, but not a drop fell where I dwelled. The sun came back out, shined only above me, while the entire neighborhood was flooded with rain. It was quite a deluge. So of course, I connected this incident to the Lord speaking to a storm and what He said about speaking to mountains as my biblical “confirmation. I look back now and I realize that this manifestation was not from God. The motive? To make me into a signs and wonders, charismatic freak. The fallen angel responsible was quite successful. It didn’t take much to turn me into granola—a fruit, a nut and a flake!

Here is the crux of the problem. As a product of New Age occultism, Christians with psychic phenomena in their past remain ignorant of the deception of the mighty foe. So once born again, each of us has been assigned a religious/witchcraft spirit entity whose job is to seek every opportunity to buffet us with counterfeits of the gifts of the Holy Ghost that seem to be from God.. The assigned fallen angel or demon waits for an element of the flesh to manifest itself in the new believer, in order to gain his master’s end. The Apostle Paul calls that aspect of our flesh by the name of witchcraft. Like Simon the Sorcerer, we carry in our flesh a lust for the supernatural that the enemy works with. Since occultists are trained to expect the supernatural, hidden in our flesh remains the same desire AFTER we are saved.

How did I overcome? My story is in “Come Out of Her, God’s People.”

I experienced many dealings of the flesh—many trials, tribulations and tests.

Being put to death in the flesh goes on and on. Overcoming was not finished in one mighty stroke. The Holy Spirit covered all bases, first dealing with my ambition for the 3 p’s of prestige, prominence and power. What helped me is that even when I was a sinner, , I was a lover of the truth. So I became one who sought spiritual truth at all cost. Also, as Paul was assigned a religious demon–a thorn in his flesh–to develop him, so was I.

I am a overcomer because my religious demon presented me with trials and temptations to overcome. From 1977-2003, —26 years–the religious demon was in the driver’s seat regarding charismatic manifestations. I was completely duped. yet in 2003—, once I prayed “Lord, show me the darkness that is around me,”— all things continue to be exposed.

In every test, I had the choice of going down and being crushed by the spirit of the anti-christ or rising up in spirit victory. I ROSE UP!

If you need my help, call 518-477-5759.