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Leave the church: A Historical Perspective of “the Great Falling Away.”

Once I heard in a supernatural way that the organized church had already been judged, I decided to try the spirits to see if they be of “God by studying church history.  History was not one of my favorite subjects, but my hypothesis was that if the church had already been judged, history would reveal the truth.

I began with the premise that we are in the generation of the 7th church age.  In the first 3 chapters of the book of Revelation, the Lord spoke to each church age.  I was able to pinpoint and find in the history books each church age:  Ephesus as the first age of those who lived in the generation of the Lord’s crucifixion, resurrection and after the ascension.  The persecuted church at Smryna lined up and overlapped the first age, under cruel Roman domination, with the saints being crucified upside down, beheaded, and stoned to death.

 With the rise of the Roman Emperor, Constantine, the organized church was established with the compromising church at Pergamos, which eventually  became the Catholic Church.  History revealed that the churches at Thyatira and Sardis are tao phases of Catholic Domination that spans several centuries until Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation of the 1500’s. Protestantism was the Lord’s favored church, from 1500 to 1900 when it too became as corrupted as the Catholic Church.

The age of Laodicea is the LAST church age, and we are living in it.  It consists of an idolatrous, charismatic witchcraft Catholic AND Protestant church.  While the Catholics have perverted the gospel of Jesus Christ with the deification of Mary and the worship of various saints, Protestantism is equally perverse. By studying church history, it became clear to me that the 7th and last age of Laodicea is a fulfillment of the Apostle’s Paul’s predictions that in the last days, there would be a great “falling away.” Paul warned the Galatians that all who add to or detract from the gospel of Jesus Christ would be cursed.  He also warned that some would depart from the faith because they listened to seducing spirits teach doctrines of devils. I didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to discern that there are far too many doctrines of devils for me to even try to count today.

However, the two most powerful ones—more powerful than the prosperity gospel–is the easy believism or the “I accept Jesus into my heart” gospel and the speaking in other tongues.

The “I accept Jesus” practice was first started by Charles Finney.  Born in 1792, Finney is a hero of Billy Graham and many other well-known evangelists of today.  In no uncertain terms, Finney preached that man can save himself by making a conscious decision to simply “cooperate with God.”  Therefore, Finney is the founding father of practically ALL of Protestantism, both traditional and emergent churches, denominational and charismatic churches who all teach an “I accept Jesus” gospel.

Add to the “I accept Jesus” crowd, those who abide by the Pentecostal teaching that the evidence of salvation is that you speak in tongues, and you have the other half of “the great falling away.” These two false doctrines combined, have caused countless seekers to “fall away.”  To fall away is not necessarily to physically depart.  For most of those who have already joined the ranks of the great falling away attend some church every Sunday morning.

Regarding tongues, it is a doorway for demons to enter human flesh.  Since the tongue talker allows his or her mind to enter into passivity while uttering, speaking in tongues causes Christians to unknowingly enter into an altered state of consciousness.  Under such circumstances, spirit entities are provided an opportunity to torment, oppress and possess.

Satan has had an agenda to infiltrate and control the organized visible church since the days that the Emperor Constantine organized it, in 313 AD.  He has been working for quite a few centuries. His mission was accomplished in the 20th century.

For these reasons, I warn: Leave the Church.  God is not there.

In my book, Come Out of Her, God’s People, I not only tell my story but I use my personal testimony as a symbolic microcosm of why I was led out in order  to reveal why the Lord will lead ALL of His people out of Her, if they  only will heed His call and leave.

e-book www.lulu.com/content/10430823

soft cover www.lulu.com/content/7285131


In my book, “The Fake Jesus,” I connect the dots between how fallen angels have revealed to their occult followers how and why they infiltrated the organized church.  You need this one also.

e-book www.lulu.com/content/12044954                             

soft cover www.lulu.com/content/2716532