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Excerpts from “the New Idolatry” by Pam Sheppard.


In the year 2000, an African American charismatic believer sought my help to be delivered from out of control sex with an invisible being. I only met with her for two sessions, as she left New York State permanently. A striking element in this case is that a spirit entity engaged in sex with the client on a continual basis. In fact, this “spirit” was so bold, that it seized her for sex at the same time that her husband was attempting to do so. As she shared, suddenly her legs forcefully spread open in the chair, right before my eyes , I watched her thighs violently shake and tremble. I have never seen anything like it before, or since.Yet, over the years, more and more cases of spiritual rape have been reported to me. The next set of cases was equally strange. In point of fact, I have counseled far too many churchgoing women who have acknowledged that spirit entities have manifested physically and raped them. These cases have not only baffled me, but they have led to a plethora of questions and concerns about “what does all of this mean.?

For example, Sarah, a Caucasian Presbyterian minister had no occult background. Unlike Eloise, witchcraft was not a factor. Yet she too is raped while her husband sleeps beside her. While Sarah was being attacked, her husband lay immobile, as in an altered state of consciousness far deeper than normal sleep.Since the very first incident, Sarah’s husband has been impotent, unable to achieve an erection. In fear that her husband will find out, Sarah stated that her husband has begun to smell the offensive odor. A pastor of a church, Sarah is about “to lose it.” Her main concern is that the spirit being is attempting to impregnate her, as she is raped at least four times a week.

In less graphic cases than either Eloise or Sarah, faithful, churchgoing Christian women are reporting that they have sexual contact while asleep or in a dream. Most often, the spirit entities manifest as men known to these women. With one exception, the women do not enjoy the sex. For example, Cher is a Haitian born, 35 year old woman who had been dedicated to voodoo gods at birth. An ordained 7th Day Adventist minister of Song, Cher’s manifestations began when she spoke in tongues. Unlike most victims, Cher enjoys the sex. However, she is out of control. While in church ministering, the tongues changes to cursing and foul language. When she is released from the attack, she has no remembrance of what had transpired.

Cases like these have caused me to devote an entire chapter in my next book, “the New Idolatry,” to this strange happening. The chapter is called “demonic copulation.” In reviewing the literature on alien encounters, I learned something rather interesting. Strange encounters humans have experienced with UFO’s have included very few Christians over the last 5 decades. Spirit rape seems to be the enemy’s alternative targeted towards Christian women.When I consider the underlying intent–how spirit rape fits into Satan’s endtime agenda,— I believe it has less to do with sex from a lustful perspective and more to do with sex as an altered state of consciousness.

Through Paul’s warning to the Corinthians about women covering their heads “because of the angels,” I believe that Paul was referring to the fact that fallen angels during the days of Noah, were so attracted to women that they cohabited with them, and produced offspring which the book of Enoch reports are roaming the earth as humans.  –  today are not wearing veils.  With the way sensual way that they  worship, they are actually inviting fallen angels to come to them, especially those who call Jesus “their only lover.”  They think they are reaching out to the Son of God when in reality, they are calling for the fake Jesus.

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