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Speaking in tongues was  one of Gods gifts to his people to help spread his message among His people. One the Day of Pentecost, in one local community there were 17 different languages spoken. They ALL heard the gospel in their own language.  <a href=”“>

I believe that tongues have ceased.  The reason I believe that all tongues spoken today is a counterfeit is based on simple logic and basic commonsense. I found that  as I conducted research for the book “the fake Jesus,”  tongues actually DID cease as Paul told the Corinthians that they would.  History reveals that tongues ceased for 19 centuries.

Think about it. No Christian needed or ever heard of “a prayer language” for 1900 years!!!!!.

Why did tongues cease?

Well, because its purpose had been fulfilled.

Here is a quote from the Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us.

“God Himself brought forth many languages to hinder the building of the tower of Babel. In Genesis 11, we read that because of the people’s rebellion, God confused the language of all the earth so that the people would not be able to understand each other’s speech, How ironic and counter-rebellious on the part of Maitreya. As Satan’s representative of endtimes, Maitreya plans to do just the opposite in Mystery Babylon, which includes the organized church. Maitreya’s goal is to cause all who speak in different tongues to hear him in ONE tongue. This is a complete reversal of God’s actions to hinder the tower of Babel. This is blasphemy to the nth degree.  Anyone who does not close the door to self-induced passivity is at risk of becoming reprobate.”

In the Fake Jesus, the connection of the speaking in tongues movement to Satan’s endtime agenda is exposed.