By Pastor Pam Sheppard

I don’t make it a practice to call out ministries and prophets by name. Making it clear, I would love to fully expose them. The problem is that people miss the reason for the exposure, and if they are a fan, they will get caught up in defending both the minister and his or her ministry rather than “listen to reason.” Having been there and done that,  I refuse to get distracted by engaging in  online defensive arguments and contentions.

The reality is that   for every known mega false teaching and practice, there are hundreds or even thousands of unknown  ministries who continue to  mimic the famous.  These unknown ministries  collectively, are influencing untold numbers of innocent, ignorant people. So my goal is to bring my readers  the truth  without identifying individuals so that you can recognize game not only  among  the famous but also among the unknown.

After serving in ministry for 25 years within a denomination, the Lord led me out of all religious systems in 2004 and I have not looked back. So for the last 14 years, I only learn about what the church  is doing from demonized captives who seek my help. Recently I was contacted by a captive who I will re-name  “Helen”.

“Helen became intrigued by a ministry where the leader claims that those who heed his doctrine will have a face to face contact with Jesus. The “pastor” who I will refer to as “Simon” after the biblical Simon the Sorcerer boasts on his website that his ministry is  the Greatest Move of God to hit the face of the Earth!.With more than 1,800 churches and thousands on the worldwide volunteer staff, Apostle Simon the Sorcerer continues to hold miracle crusades, and claims to preach and teach  the complete and unadulterated Word of God everywhere!” He is also big on slain in the spirit.  He can wave his hand and the entire congregation will fall.  Someone in his crusade took a picture and an image was photographed whom he and his followers claim to be Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

So Helen, who already has a predisposition in her flesh that draws her to anything and everything supernatural, immediately became sold out for Simon’s ministry, especially since his main headquarters is located within walking distance of her apartment. She thought to herself “What a blessing!!! In her own words:

I went to the those events because of Simon’s book, Face to Face Appearances With Jesus. The book talked about this love affair he had with Jesus, how he would fall asleep and Jesus would appear to him in his sleep, what Jesus looked like and how  Jesus took Simon to Heaven and told him things no one else knew and how Jesus had so much love for him and so many other wonderful things. I personally wanted a face to face with Jesus as I always have been attracted to Him since a child. So the way Simon portrayed the Lord in this book lured me into his ministry, tooth, nail and sinker. When Simon’s  book came out there were other books of other authors who claimed they had visitations from Jesus also. For that reason, I thought  that Simon’s book must be legitimate.

At the the crusades, I felt this tremendous power. Actually, it was nothing like I ever felt before. Therefore, I just knew God was with the man Simon because of the power and electricity I could feel in his worship services. Today I know it was all just the powers of fallen angels who were creating that power and that it was not from God.

So what happened that caused Helen to realize she had been duped? In a nut shell, two fallen angels began playing “good cop/bad cop” with her. It was probably one fallen angel playing both roles. 


All of the sudden I received a few Jesus dreams. I remember one was where it was Jesus with a crowd of people around him and I was standing next to him and I was like wow all of the these people are trying to get to Jesus, but He wants ME! So when Jesus put his arm around me I felt so important and loved. I remember another one was where Jesus was riding on a big eagle over a mountain and saying he was coming back and I was in awe because in the dream it seemed so real. One dream I had is where I was walking down my old block and I heard a voice from the sky say I love you and that he was coming back.


After they stopped playing God, they became cold towards me, when I say playing God they use to sing about the rapture and Jesus coming back and it sounded so beautiful like it were men and women angels singing. It was a male voice that would sing and say that the Holy Spirit was with me now. Its like they were trying to act like God and point out certain sings I had and they were saying I wasn’t going to Heaven because of such and such and that I wouldnt be taken in the rapture.

When the torment started, I remember during the day they would threaten me about choking me in my sleep at night. I was in mental torment because they could read my mind about what I was thinking and they would interfere with normal every day things like watching tv. Its like at every little turn they had to comment or joke about something I did.

I remember they would get on me about talking back to them saying I shouldnt talk to demons but it was hard not to because they were trying to hold conversations with me. It was very hard to concentrate on things on cleaning. I was just so upset and depressed because I realized the voices were not going away and that it was real.

They could make there voices even appear like it was coming from a fan or inside a washer at the laundrymat and they would be so loud and noisy that it was scary at times. I had severe panic attacks where I was in and out of the emergency room because of breathing problems. It turned out to be panic attacks. I was prescribed me ativan to calm me down. I ended up having to be prescribed panic attack medication, although I dont take that anymore.

I was always tired because I barely got any sleep because I lost my ability to sleep well at night. The anguish of just lying in bed and not be able to fall asleep was so debilitating. When I did fall asleep, I was takin out of my body and choked. What bothered me the most was they kept saying Luicfer is calling your name,girl, Lucifer is calling your name, Girl! I wondered, “Why is Satan calling MY name!!!

Much of the time, these spirits would sing sing sing, until they couldn’t sing no more. They love to sing little rhymes and riddles, I remember thinking the music they are making sounds like rap music or something off of the radio. I just kept thinking “when will they shut up and stop talking to me and give peace?”

They also knew how to lie, like I remember one time they kept saying “we are searching your mind to see if there are any defects in your brain to see why I kept believing the demons. I always believed them when they told me I wasn’t going to Heaven. I remember this one time they were cursing the Holy Spirit and they said I had cursed the Holy Spirit in my  mind and they kept teasing me and taunting me, that I ended up saying I didn’t curse the F***in Holy Spirit. Once I sis that, then they told me I had committed the unpardonable sin. I was in awe IOU’s anguish over that for awhile.

I remember I had so much fear about falling asleep and in the visions or dreams or whatever they were, I remember feeling so helpless as they continued to choke me. I had no power to fight them off and so I wondered where was Jesus to come and help  me? In the dreams It was always sad, or bad memories I had but in a distorted way and the dreams never made sense. I was just so unhappy because I couldn’t dream like I use to and I kept blaming myself for going to those miracle healing crusades because I kept thinking I should have stopped once I saw I wasn’t getting healed.

So what happened to Helen? She ended up diagnosed with schizophrenia. The medication blocked out the voices of religious fallen angels, which Helen refers to as the outside or outer voices. Yet she remains in torment from the inner voices. The inner voices tell her daily, 24/7 that she must commit suicide. She sought my help to be delivered in December 2017 but did not have regular phone sessions until February 2018. So for about 4 months, Helen has been re-trained out of “churchianity while simultaneously detoxed from religion. Last week, I conducted a telephone deliverance. I informed Helen that if they were coming out, they would do so within 7 days. Here is Helen’s report, received June 1, 2018, 4 days after the phone session:

Hey Pastor Pam. I am so glad you gave me these affirmations. The demons have been going crazy, I was screaming all over the place. I just knew the demons were going to come out. I have been trying to say them everyday and doing it more than twice. I did put in there that I will never kill myself like you told me to do and the demons go crazy when I say that. Its something how you knew I should say that, that part never crossed my mind.

In the second affirmation where it says I was tricked into worshiping fallen angels and religious demons where it says I renounce prayers offered to the catholic Mary, I switched it with Jesus Sananda Immanuel and then I put in there I renounce the Jesus come into my heart and the sinners prayer where it says I renounce the sinners prayer that I said in 2000 and that made them go crazy.

In the part that says I reject any association with African false gods I put in there kundalini, freemasonry, Buddhism, Hinduism etc and that made them really go crazy. Now at times when I look in the mirror, I see a crying face. like the demon is crying through me, which is weird. The demons have literally gone crazy. They said that they feel like they are coming out and they say they hate you so much. One thing they have being saying lately is that they are losing traction and they are losing ground which is weird. I guess they are losing their footing inside me.

I really appreciate it, send anything else my way if you think it will help.

This is a breakthrough.

A few months ago, “Helen” asked me to write a blog or produce a video that would expose the ministry of “Simon.” Helen requested that I reveal Simon’s  true identity in order to warn others. My reservation is that  I wanted to be sure that Helen’s  torment was not because of a genetic  mental health disorder. Simply put,  I needed to be positive that her condition is spiritual and not mental.

In truth, I do not need Helen’s testimony to discern that Simon’s ministry is not from God. Nevertheless, I could not assume that his ministry was the direct cause of Helen’s torment because she could simply be delusional due to mental illness. So I chose to write this  article today, because Helen revealed something that she has no way of knowing. 1) evil spirits hate me 2) when they are being unseated, they will cry, complain, moan and grown. As she wrote “its like they are going crazy,” 3) demons will not come out if they don’t lose their legal rights or ground.

So other than reveal who Simon is, I suggest you run like a bat let out of hell from anyone who teaches you to seek a face to face visitation with Jesus. Jesus will certainly come to you through one or more of his religious evil spirits. These spirits will not be sent by Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

They will be dispatched to you by  the Fake Jesus. Jesus Sananda Immanuel. To know more about him, click here to get this book. 

If like Helen you need help, call 888-818-1117 or send an email to Be advised that I have no magic wands to wave.  As Helen has done, you have to work. It takes time to be un-deceived and to learn how to stand.